Electric Muscle Stimulation: A Promising Solution for Knee Pain and Injuries
Introduction - Dr. Jeff Banas

Knee pain and injuries are prevalent issues that can significantly impact one's quality of life, limiting mobility and hindering daily activities. Traditional treatments often involve a combination of physical therapy, medication, and sometimes surgery. However, a relatively newer approach, Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS), has been gaining attention as a promising solution to alleviate knee pain and aid in the recovery process.
Understanding Electric Muscle Stimulation

Electric Muscle Stimulation involves the application of low-level electrical currents to targeted muscles through electrodes placed on the skin's surface. These electrical impulses stimulate muscle contractions, mimicking the natural signals sent by the central nervous system. EMS has gained popularity in various fields, including sports training, rehabilitation, and pain management.

How EMS Benefits Knee Pain and Injuries

1. **Pain Relief:** EMS can effectively alleviate knee pain by promoting blood circulation and releasing endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. The increased blood flow helps reduce inflammation and swelling, while endorphins provide a sense of pain relief.

2. **Muscle Strengthening:** Knee injuries often result in muscle weakness around the joint, leading to instability and prolonged recovery. EMS aids in strengthening the surrounding muscles without putting excessive strain on the injured area, aiding in better joint support and overall stability.

3. **Improved Range of Motion:** Scar tissue and stiffness commonly follow knee injuries, restricting the joint's range of motion. EMS assists in loosening these tissues by promoting muscle contraction and relaxation cycles, ultimately leading to improved flexibility.

4. **Reduced Atrophy:** Immobilization due to injury or surgery can lead to muscle atrophy (wasting). EMS can help minimize muscle loss by maintaining muscle tone and preventing excessive weakening during periods of reduced activity.

5. **Neuromuscular Re-education:** After an injury, the communication between the brain and muscles can become disrupted. EMS helps reestablish this connection by promoting controlled muscle contractions, assisting in regaining proper movement patterns and coordination.

6. **Accelerated Recovery:** EMS accelerates the healing process by facilitating nutrient-rich blood flow to the injured area, which aids in tissue repair and regeneration.

7. **Adjunct to Traditional Therapy:** EMS can complement traditional rehabilitation methods by providing an additional modality for pain relief, muscle strengthening, and functional improvement.
Safety Considerations

While EMS offers promising benefits, it's crucial to prioritize safety:

1. **Professional Guidance:** Consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist before starting an EMS program. They can determine the suitability of EMS for your specific condition and guide you on proper usage.

2. **Proper Placement:** Correct electrode placement is essential for optimal results and safety. Improper placement could lead to discomfort or ineffective treatment.

3. **Intensity and Frequency:** Follow recommended intensity levels and treatment durations to prevent overstimulation or potential muscle strain.


Electric Muscle Stimulation presents an innovative and potentially effective approach to managing knee pain and injuries. By promoting pain relief, muscle strengthening, improved range of motion, and accelerated recovery, EMS offers a comprehensive solution that complements traditional rehabilitation methods. However, individual circumstances vary, and professional guidance is essential to ensure safe and effective use. As research in this field continues to evolve, EMS holds the promise of enhancing the quality of life for individuals dealing with knee-related challenges.

Functional Electric Muscle Stimulation, ARPwave, Neubie, Phoenix Waveform

Dr. Jeff Banas, Developer of the Phoenix Waveform and Neural Fit Methods has been a Chiropractic Sports Physician since graduating from the National College of Chiropractic in 1993. In addition to being a Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Banas also has a BS in Human Biology, Fellow, of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture, Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. 

Dr. Banas has been practicing Neurotherapy with the ARPwave and Therastim for 16 years, but now exclusively uses the Phoenix Waveform.

Dr. Banas provides personal one-on-one support on the Neural Fit Methods and uses of the Phoenix Waveform.
