Enhancing Baseball Performance: The Power of Electrical Muscle Stimulation for Hitting Success

- Dr. Jeff Banas


In the realm of professional sports, where even the slightest advantage can mean the difference between victory and defeat, athletes are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their performance. One such technique that has gained momentum in recent years is Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS). This cutting-edge technology has shown promising potential in transforming baseball players into more effective hitters by targeting specific muscle groups and optimizing their strength, endurance, and coordination.

Understanding Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Electrical Muscle Stimulation, often referred to as EMS, involves the application of electrical impulses to muscles, triggering involuntary muscle contractions. This technology, which was originally developed for medical rehabilitation purposes, has transitioned into the realm of sports performance enhancement. In the context of baseball, EMS can be utilized to activate muscles that are integral to hitting, such as the core, upper body, and lower body muscles. By doing so, baseball players can experience a range of physiological and neuromuscular adaptations that directly contribute to their hitting prowess.

Improving Strength and Power

One of the key ways EMS can elevate a baseball player's hitting abilities is by promoting enhanced strength and power. During a swing, a batter relies heavily on core strength, rotational power, and explosiveness to generate the necessary force to hit the ball effectively. EMS targets the deep muscles of the core, helping to build a solid foundation of strength that translates into more powerful swings. Additionally, EMS can facilitate the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are crucial for explosive movements like a baseball swing.

Enhancing Endurance and Muscle Recovery

Baseball games can be long and demanding, requiring players to maintain their energy levels and muscle performance throughout all nine innings. EMS aids in improving muscular endurance by increasing blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscle tissues. This allows players to sustain their hitting mechanics and power throughout the game, reducing the likelihood of performance decline in later innings. Moreover, EMS has been shown to accelerate muscle recovery by reducing post-game soreness and promoting tissue repair, ensuring players are ready to perform at their best in subsequent games.

Refining Motor Coordination and Muscle Memory

Consistency is key in baseball hitting. The ability to execute a perfect swing repetitively is what separates the great hitters from the rest. EMS can play a pivotal role in honing motor coordination and muscle memory. By stimulating specific muscle groups involved in the hitting motion, players can reinforce neural pathways that control precise movements. Over time, this can lead to improved swing mechanics, greater bat control, and a heightened ability to adjust to different pitch trajectories and speeds.

Utilizing EMS in Training Regimens

To fully harness the potential of EMS for baseball hitting, players and coaches must incorporate it strategically into their training routines. An effective approach involves integrating EMS sessions alongside traditional strength and conditioning exercises. Customized EMS protocols should target muscles involved in the hitting process, focusing on both concentric and eccentric muscle contractions to replicate the dynamic demands of a swing.

It's important to note that EMS should not replace conventional training methods but rather complement them. The synergy between EMS and traditional training can yield optimal results, allowing players to maximize their hitting potential.


Electrical Muscle Stimulation represents a groundbreaking advancement in the world of sports performance enhancement, particularly for baseball players aiming to become better hitters. By harnessing the power of EMS, athletes can improve their strength, power, endurance, coordination, and muscle memory – all of which are crucial components of successful hitting. As this technology continues to evolve, it's foreseeable that baseball players who integrate EMS effectively into their training regimens will have a significant edge over their competitors, ultimately leading to improved hitting performance and a greater likelihood of success on the field.

Functional Electric Muscle Stimulation, ARPwave, Neubie, Phoenix Waveform

Dr. Jeff Banas, Developer of the Phoenix Waveform and Neural Fit Methods has been a Chiropractic Sports Physician since graduating from the National College of Chiropractic in 1993. In addition to being a Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Banas also has a BS in Human Biology, Fellow, of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture, Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. 

Dr. Banas has been practicing Neurotherapy with the ARPwave and Therastim for 16 years, but now exclusively uses the Phoenix Waveform.

Dr. Banas provides personal one-on-one support on the Neural Fit Methods and uses of the Phoenix Waveform.
